There are moments in time that just line up and are perfect.These moments could not be better! 

The photo I share in this blog post was taken on a day that was as imperfect as they come.  We were back woods camping by Ten Mile Reservoir.  Our campsite was about a mile hike from our car. We decided instead of trying to get everything in one trip, we would take a few trips and fish as we went. On the first trip back to the car, I fell and I twisted my ankle. I knew it was not a shake it off injury. It hurt worse than anything I had ever experienced. I could not put any weight on my ankle-period. Thankfully I was still really close to the campsite and my husband was able to get me back there. It was a bad situation because I needed medical care but there was no way I could hike out of there to get it. It was a very rocky steep area.  And we were not prepared. The first aid kit that we had bought specifically for the back woods failed to have a brace or an emergency ice pack.  Like I said-it was a very imperfect day.  We decided that we needed to wait overnight and see if my ankle got any better before attempting to hike out. 

My day was spent at the campsite basically not being able to go and do anything, which was the worst.  This area was so beautiful and I wanted to go explore, but because of how bad my injury was I simply could not do anything.  I sat and looked forward to a fire and s’mores.  But I told you the day was imperfect right?  We discovered as we were preparing to make s’mores that we forgot the chocolate in the car!!! 

As this imperfect day was ending, Kevin was fishing the shore. And out of nowhere came the most perfect moment.  The sunset was one of the best I’ve ever witnessed in my life. The beautiful colors reflected off the lake. It was the perfect moment on a very imperfect day. 

Imperfect adventures will happen.  But so will those perfect moments!  

Let’s go find those perfect moments on an imperfect day! 

A Jeep Adventure

Recently I got to cross off a bucket list item.  The item was to rent a jeep and take it off roading. I was a little nervous to say the least, but I just knew that this bucket list item would not disappoint.  So this year, on my birthday, we rented a Jeep Rubicon! 

We had two goals in mind. First, stay safe.  We followed the advice that the guide at the rental company gave us and stuck to the roads he recommended. Secondly, we had fun. We just allowed ourselves to have a great time, even when we were nervous!!!

The first road the guide gave us was not so bad. It was a nice warm up. It really didn’t get too narrow. It was pretty rocky but nothing crazy.  It went through a canyon and then came out on a pass. However, the second road the guide gave us was way harder. It went through an old ghost town and then took us up Cinnamon Pass. The road was amazing. It literally went up the side of the mountain.  As we climbed, we came out on top and it was beautiful alpine terrain where you could literally see all around you.  Honestly the pictures don’t do it justice. It’s one of the moments you never forget because the beauty of the moment will forever be impressed in your mind. While on the top of the pass, it even began to snow some at the end of June.

So here is my synopsis of renting a jeep. It was very affordable and you definitely get your moneys worth. It was only a few hundred dollars to rent for the day.  It got great gas mileage.  We drove it all day and it only cost 17.00 to fill the tank back up. 

 I would recommend it to anyone willing to go on an adventure and get out of your comfort zone.  If its your first time, like it was mine, you will have those moments of discomfort.  But the awe moments totally make up for it. 

Maybe your next bucket list item  this summer should be renting a jeep and taking if off roading! 

Lets keep wandering into new adventures my friends!

Keep Thriving

High altitude mountain terrain is one of my favorites to experience. Every time I venture there, something different stands out and leaves me in awe.

This summer we took an adventure on Cinnamon Pass. The weather changed rapidly.  It was snowing at 12,640 feet at the end of June and was chilly to say the least.  The snow fields were beyond beautiful.  As we reached the top of the pass I spotted, in the middle of this rugged hard terrain, these beautiful flowers.  It was a simple reminder that in the hardest conditions and circumstances you can thrive. 

Keep adventuring. Keep Wandering.  And even when the conditions are hardest and the circumstances aren’t easy, keep thriving!