I remember this road trip when I was a girl with my family and my Grandpa Red and my step Grandma. It was 6 of us all piled into a Chevy Lumina. Back in the day, the Lumina’s had a seat that went all the way across in the front seat. That means that three people could sit up front-very CLOSLY. I remember Grandpa drove. Did I mention my Grandpa did not believe in deodorant? I loved my Grandpa, but sometimes the aroma was not so sweet if you know what I mean. Thankfully he kept the windows open the whole time. A result of that was that I was going through this phase where I hated my hair getting messed up. This meant I would comb it out every hour. It drove my Grandpa crazy on that trip as he asked me who I was trying to impress. As I tell you this story, picture 6 people in a family car and a 10 hour road trip with almost no stops.
Even though this road trip lasted 10 hours, and even though we were all crammed in that car, it was one of my favorite memories from my childhood with my Grandpa. We drove through the beautiful San Juan mountains into Lake City, over Slumgullion Pass, and down into Telluride. I remember thinking the San Jan Mountains were the most beautiful mountains I had ever seen. On top of Slumgullion Pass we found this incredible waterfall that comes off the Rio Grande River called North Clear Creek Falls. I remember thinking it was the most beautiful place I had ever been and as a young girl I thought that some day I’ll have to bring the man I marry back here. On this road trip, I remember my Grandpa being so happy the whole time. It was seriously one memory I will forever cherish with my Grandpa.
This last summer, my husband Kevin and I decide to do this road trip. Honestly, I had been telling him for years about this amazing drive that goes past the most incredible waterfall that you have ever seen and through the San Juan mountains. In honor of my Grandpa who has passed, we plan to recreate this memory together. I seriously talk this road trip up. I’m so excited leading up to it.
As we are driving a really long ways, thankfully in a roomy SUV, I realize that it wasn’t quite what I remembered. First of all, Slumgullion Pass was struck by pine beetle. On the top of the pass-all the trees are dead now. Which is so sad, because when I was younger before the pine beetle hit Colorado it was seriously incredible. After driving 6 hours, we arrive at the waterfall. The waterfall was pretty and beautiful, and did admire it, but it has become a serious tourist trap. It was clustered with RVS and van fulls of people. And then the drive after the waterfall and into Durango seriously took another 4 hours. We drove through country where there is nothing, not even a McDonalds! We start getting super bored and stir crazy. Thank goodness for Podcasts. Thankfully we were able to find a few gas stations.
We finally arrive in Durango and eat at the most incredible BBQ place their called Serious Texas BBQ. Seriously though-if you find yourself in Durango, this is a place you must eat if you love BBQ! After we feast, we have a good laugh. Kevin says, “Well that was something.” I call my Mom and tell her about the long road trip and how it wasn’t quite like I remembered. She said, “You know Grandpa is saying from his grave, ‘Now why did you do that!’”
But seriously, it was a tribute to my Grandpa. I don’t regret it. There were pretty moments, but I don’t think we will be doing that road trip again, hopefully never. However, moments like these make the best stories and memories. And we got a picture by the waterfall together in honor of Grandpa. Kevin never got to meet my Grandpa, but through this trip, I feel he got to meet him in a way.
So Grandpa Red-this blog post is for you. You will forever live on in my heart. Yes you are gone but you will forever be missed, loved, and remembered.