The journey to finding the perfect hiking shoe is not easy. Last summer I needed to find a new pair of hiking shoes. I had completely worn out my current pair and they were no longer effective as the tread was worn down.  Trying to find the right hiking shoe was an overwhelming experience. There are so many options to choose from.  The reviews on each shoe vary from someone loving the shoe to someone hating it and only left me more confused. What would I choose?  And what if I chose the wrong shoe?   

I went to several shoe stores that specialize in outdoor shoes.  I didn’t feel that I got any closer to the answers I needed. I searched reviews online and had a general idea of the leading brands to choose from.

I decided to go to REI.  Unlike, other stores I had been to, I was approached right away by an employee who seemed very excited to help me find the right hiking shoe. Turns out, he was very knowledgeable as well. He asked me what I was going to use the shoe for. I told him my goal was to hike a 14’er and wanted a shoe that had good grip that I won’t slip in.  He smiled and told me that for steep hiking, you want a shoe that is a half size bigger than you normally wear to give room so you don’t get blisters while hiking down the incline.  He showed me my options on shoes, but then thoughtfully steered me in the direction of a brand I had never heard of called Oboz.  It’s a brand made in Bozeman, MT.  For every pair of shoes bought they plant a tree. How amazing! I love a brand that is environmentally sensitive. After trying on Oboz shoes and then other shoes to compare, I fell in love instantly with the Oboz shoes. It provided ankle support, was light, and had an awesome tread.  

I have now used these shoes for two summers and they work amazing. Even after hiking long distances my feet don’t hurt bad. They have tremendous support and grip on steep areas. Also, they hug my ankles which is a huge relief after having a bad ankle injury last summer. The ankle support provides me with peace of mind. 

Next time you need a new hiking shoe I highly suggest checking out the Oboz brand.  They may not be for you, but they are definitely worth taking a look at as their price comes in at quite a big cheaper than other leading brand options.  However, quality wise, I feel they are just as good if not better!   

Happy Trails. Keep hiking. Keep adventuring. And good luck finding the perfect hiking shoe for you!

I grew up as a foresters daughter. We always lived in a mountain area. I grew to love going on adventures. Now as an adult I still love to go on adventures in the mountains every day. I hope that you will enjoy going on these adventurous wanderings with me.